Sunday, October 13, 2013

I'm Tired

I’m tired of being sad

I’m tired of yelling

I’m tired of crying.

I’m tired of pretending.

I’m tired of being angry.

I’m tired of being alone.

I’m tired of feeling crazy.

I’m tired of remembering.

I’m tired of not knowing.

I’m tired of missing people.

I’m tired of needing help.

I’m tired of not loving and not being loved.

I’m tired of being different.

I’m tired of feeling stuck.

I’m tired of feeling worthless.

I’m tired of feeling empty inside.

I’m tired of not being able to just let go.

I’m tired of wishing I could just start over.

I’m tired of dreaming for something better.

But most of all, I’m just tired of being tired.


  1. you said this

  2. Ummmmmmmm, can I get an AMEN!!


    Im tired too, you just summed up everything that I am feeling!

    Gracias Chico.....or Chica

    I dont know...cuuuuz we aren't suppose to know ;)

    So you could be either.....ok


  3. Jacque....yup I lovest thou mucho. And the stupid reply thing ain't workin otherwise I would be replying instead of doing just a comment. Why that matters.....I have no idea. It probably doesn't. Oh well. Don't judge.

    Oh and Charles...I lovest thou mucho also. And this post really hit me...kinda really hard. I'm so so tired.

    "I'm just tired of being tired." #simplicity

  4. I am #simplysteeling this. K thanks. Bye.

  5. Simple, yet powerful. Good post! #stolen

  6. I'll be Tails, You be Sonic - A Day To Remember
    This is nice. I'm feeling it. I know some of these myself, but in my own way. You keep your way going strong, friend.
    Grand Slam!
