Sunday, November 10, 2013


What holds me back the most, are my own mistakes, my own shadows.! 

This is something different.
The one with words inside represents me. 
The ones that look dark, are my own shadow and mistakes that hold on to me. 
They don't let me go, they stick around to remind me of everything horrible that I did.
They tear me apart, but the thing that puts me back together is hope that I have.
Even though they make me feel useless and unwanted.
There are people that tell me different. 
They are the ones that you should hold on to.


  1. "What holds me back the most, are my own mistakes, my own shadows.! "
    Holy. . . this is unreal. The picture is beyond perfect, and the words are insane and deep and true. I don't know how else to describe it.
    Grand Slam!!

  2. There are people that tell me different.
    They are the ones that you should hold on to.

    Yes. Amazing.
